The Drowning Girls

Written by Beth Graham, Charlie Tomlinson, and Daniela Vlaskalic | Directed by Jenny Lavery

Regional Premiere

The Drowning Girls is a modern interpretation and poetic retelling of the “Brides in the Bath” slayings in 20th century England. The work examines the lengthy history of misogyny and domestic abuse in modern civilization. 

Awards: Best Director - B Iden Payne, Best Cast - B Iden Payne, Best Production of a Drama - B Iden Payne, Best Lighting Design - B Iden Payne, Best Set Design - B Iden Payne, Best Director - Austin Critics Table, Best Cast - Austin Critics Table, Best Production of a Drama - Austin Critics Table

Cast: Christin Davis, Sarah Danko, Bridget Farr

Production: Choreography: Jenny Lavery, Set: Chris Conard, Composer and Production Manager: Blake Addyson, Lighting: Kate Ducey, Costume: Jenny Hanna Chambers, Stage Management: Ashton Murphy, Dialect Coach: Bernadette Nason




The Totalitarians